Monday, June 24, 2013

It's not "Controlling"; It's "Grieving"

It's not "Controlling"; It's "Grieving"


Walking without offense in this world should be easy.  I simply give others their choices and don't take them back.  Whew!!!!   Controlling others has never been something I want to do (so why do I do it to those I love most?) I don't want to be responsible for their beliefs, actions, words, emotions, spiritual walk, mental nor physical state.  Fine!  I will keep my responsibility for my own too, Thank you!  I  believe those are God given rights whether we (I/you/others) believe in a god or not and I will not take those choices from you and expect the same in return.


"Grief"  Pain and sadness are normal when I don't get out of a relationship what I want.  Accepting and giving myself time to grieve that loss is a good thing.  It offers healing and builds bridges for my journey to happiness.  When I am sad and express my pain; please understand why I reject your words about what or how I should be different.  I am who I am and will gracefully keep my choices to be who I want to be today changing the things that haven't worked as well in my past. 


We are all splintered in some way, some more than others and some in different places; however, with the space we provide one another and the help we engage in with one another will make the difference.  "Filling gaps with forgiveness"  How?  By letting go of the control.  Accepting our perception of it, right or wrong.  Our perception may evolve and that is part of the process.  Forgiving those who have offended is only giving their choices back even though it affects us.  Regardless, it takes time and grieving is a necessary and healthy part of my process, so please quit trying to fix my pain and allow my sadness.  It will change in due season.  I promise.  I am very thankful that you care appreciating your intended encouragement.


Today I am in pursuit of the beauty of life.  I trust sometimes through tears of grief and fear of my loved ones experiencing the results of their choices.   Letting go of the control over past hurts and pains.  I grieve one day at a time and a little bit at a time becoming all that I can be to experience all that I can.  Life gifts come in all different forms and from all different circumstances laying down any preconceived notion of labeling it good or bad.  I thankfully follow my spiritual guide to pursue today's gifts.